The Cross Is the Cure Part 4
The Cross Is the Cure Part 4 from Pastor Lawson Perdue. In this lesson, gain a greater revelation of how you can apply what God’s Word says to you life. Through the cross, Jesus provided healing, prosperity, peace, salvation and more!

Holy Spirit Package
If you love Jesus, you are going to love the Holy Spirit! Before ascending to heaven, Jesus explained to His disciples that it was necessary for Him to go to the Father so He could send the Holy Spirit. He told them to not leave Jerusalem until they had received this great promise! This package will help you understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how to live the spirit-filled life!
The Cross Is the Cure Part 4 Transcript
Praise the Lord friends. I’ve been teaching on Applying The Cure. And we’re talking about how the cross is the cure, in Jesus at the cross, provided for your healing, for your peace, for your prosperity, for your wellbeing in every area. But you can apply it through believing, through speaking, and through acting on God’s word. And you know what? If you’ll apply what the word of God says, you will be prosperous and you will have good success. Praise the Lord friends. We’ve been teaching on The Cross Is The Cure, and we’ve been teaching specifically, yesterday and today on how we apply that cure. You know, a lot of times people can see the promises of God in the word of God. But the difference between just seeing that in the word of God, as a principle or a promise in the word of God and getting it working in your life, are two different things. And so many people, even though they see these promises in the word of God, they don’t really have a working relationship with the word, and what you need to have is a working relationship with the word. So, not only you can see these are promises in the word, but you can experience these promises in your life. You know, Jesus was the word made flesh, and you need to see the word made flesh in your life. You need to see the word of Jesus, come to pass in your life. Now, when we talked about the cross is the cure, we talked about at the cross, Jesus already provided forgiveness for our sin. He already provided peace for our mind. He already provided healing for our body. And we can read that, find that, Isaiah 53:4-5, and 1st Peter 2:24-25. We can also see in 2nd Corinthians 8:9, that Jesus made provision for our poverty. But how do we get that working in our life? Well, the first thing we said we’ve gotta do is we begin to meditate the word of God. We went to this scripture in Joshua 1:8, where Joshua had now been empowered to lead the children of Israel, into the promised land. And in Joshua 1:8, it says this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein both day and night, that you might observe to do according to all that is written therein for then you will make your way prosperous and you shall have good success. You know what? If you are not prosperous and having good success, it’s because you haven’t been doing what Joshua 1:8 says. It’s because you haven’t been meditating the word of God, speak in the word of God, and acting on the word of God. And you know what? If you meditate the word of God, that’s what this scripture says. It says, this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate there in both day and night to observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then you shall make your way prosperous, and you shall have good success. Any way you cut it. If you meditate the word of God, speak the word of God, and act on the word of God, for a period of time, there is no way, you will make your way prosperous. That’s the only thing the word can do in your life, and you will have good success. You know, there’s a couple other scriptures that go along with this. In Psalm 1:1-3, the scripture says, “Bless it is the man that walks not in the council of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight shall be in the word of the Lord, and in it does he meditate day and night. And he will be like a tree planted by the rivers of living waters that brings forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper.” When you meditate the word of God, speak the word of God, and act on the word of God. You’re gonna prosper. You’re gonna bring forth fruit in season. Your leaf is not gonna wither. That’s what the scripture says. Isaiah 55 says it this way. In Isaiah 55:10, “As the rain comes down from heaven, and the snow and waters the earth and causes to bring forth fruit and bud, so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth. It shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper the one who I send it to. Praise God, when the word is working in your life. The word will not return to God, void, empty, lacking, vain, lacking power. It will prosper, whatever God sends it to. The word of God will prosper, whatever He sends it to. And He says, and it will accomplish what He pleases. The word of God will bring forth God’s good pleasure. So, if you want the word to work in your life, you gotta meditate it, speak it, and act on it. Praise God. It’s no good, if you don’t do anything with it. You know the Bible says in James 2:17,20, and 26, that faith without works is dead. Faith without corresponding action is dead, being alone. Verse 26 says it like this, “Just like the body without the spirit is dead.” One translation says, “The body without the spirit is just a corpse.” So, then faith without works is dead, being alone. Faith without works is dead, also. If you want your faith to work, you’ve gotta be active. You can’t just say you believe something. You’ve gotta act on it. You know, when we look at Hebrews 11, when it says, “Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen.” A lot of times, people use that as a definition of faith. I believe a definition of faith is trust or confidence. You know, really, if you have faith. You have trust. You have confidence. Great people of faith are people who know God. They’re people of great confidence. They’re people of great trust. But what’s it mean when it says, “Now faith is the substance of things we hope for, the evidence of things we don’t see.” Because we have faith, faith will bring substance to the things we hope for. Faith will be the evidence of things that we do not see. Faith is evidence of a God, we don’t see. We can tell, as we look through Hebrews 11. All these people of faith, and we can tell that they’re people of faith, by what they said, and by what they did. So, faith is an action word. Faith without works is dead. So, if you want faith to work in your life, you’ve gotta let it become active. You can’t just, you know, first of all, you meditate the promise. Then as you meditate it, you begin to speak it. But it’s going to change to where you begin to act on the word of God. You know, Jesus used this principle of faith and operated in the principle of faith. And in Mark 3:5, he told the man with the withered hand, he said, “Stretch forth your hand.” And as he stretched it forth, it was made whole, just like the other one. In Matthew 9, there was a man that they let down through the roof. And he was sick of the palsy. His four friends. This place was so full of unbelieving, religious people. They couldn’t even get in. So this man’s friends, they were late to the meeting. They cut a hole in the roof. Jesus could see the saw dust, straw dirt, falling down through there. He’s like, man, I’m gonna have an illustrated sermon today. And they dropped this man down and Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven.” I’m sure these four guys up on the roof that are lowering him down on this stretcher, they saying, “Jesus, we didn’t bring him here to get him forgiven. We brought him here to get him healed.” But you know, if you’re gonna get healed, you need to know that you’re forgiven. Because if you know that you’re forgiven, that releases condemnation so that you can move into faith, and receive the healing power of God. And so Jesus said, “Son, cheer up your sins are forgiven.” Amen. And then as the religious people are doubting and thinking in their minds, who is this who forgive sin? Jesus said, well, is it easier to say, you know, your sins are forgiven, or rise, take up your bed and walk. He said, “So that you might know that the son of man has power on earth to forgive sins. I tell you sick of the palsy, get up, take up your bed and go to your house.” And he immediately got up, took up his bed, and went home. He was whole. Praise God. He was healed. Hallelujah. Jesus spoke a word to him and he acted on the word of God, and received his miracle. In Luke 17, there were 10 priests that came to Jesus, and they came to Him for healing, and Jesus spoke to them and said, “Go show yourself to the priest.” The reason that Jesus told them to go show their self to the priest, was because if you were healed, then the priest, if you had leprosy, which was very contagious, the priest would then say, you know, you’re healed and you can reintegrate into society. As they went, the scripture says they were healed. And one of those 10 lepers returned, they were all 10, I believe were healed. right? As they went, they were healed. They all 10 were healed, but the one returned to Jesus to give thanks. Jesus said, where are the nine? Weren’t there 10 healed? And here’s this stranger comes to tell me, thanks. You know, I had a man a few years ago, I’d been to Minneapolis and preached, and a man was healed of a heart condition, a heart disease, I guess. And he’d been on medication for over 50 years, since a child. And I prayed for him and he was healed. He went back to the doctor, the doctor confirmed that he was healed, and he was off the medication. And I went back, some four years later, and he came and told me four years later, that he was healed. Man, it would’ve been nice to know that sooner, but praise God, he was healed, and I got the word back. Amen. And so many times people come and say, Hey, last year you prayed for me, and I was healed. This happened recently. I had a person come talk to me at Bible school and say, Hey, you remember last year you prayed for me, and I prayed for a lot of people. I remember some of ’em. I don’t remember some of ’em. But he said, you prayed for me, and I am healed. Praise God. Do you know the word of God works. Praise God. And so if we believe the word, and we start speaking the word, do you know what? If we believe and speak the word, it just moves us into place where we’ll start acting on the word of God, and we can receive God’s good promise in our life. I’ll be back right after this break. Praise the Lord friends. We are teaching and sharing on the subject of divine healing. Thank God, Jesus made provision for us at the cross, and we have just as much right to be healed in our body, as we do to be forgiven for our sins. But how can we receive that in our life? We go through this in detail, and I have a healing bundle that I’m sharing with you. I want to get this to you. You know, the Bible says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. And I know these teachings will build your faith. I have, first of all, my series on “Covenant of Healing.” And then I have my series on “The Cross is the Cure.” And then we have my wife Barbara’s series, and she’s a powerful teacher and ministers healing in a very powerful and anointed way, on Present To Heal, and how to receive divine healing and health in your life. And I want you to call in today and get this. It will help you build your faith and receive from God blessings. Praise the Lord friends. We’ve been teaching on “The Cross is the Cure.” And we’ve been sharing specifically, how we apply the cure to our life, and the way that we apply the cure of the cross to our life is by believing, by speaking, and by acting, on the word of God. Now, when we talked about believing, we talked about the principle of meditation. It’s really what you think on, what you meditate, that you’ll begin to speak. Joshua 1:8, says this. It says, “This book of the law, this word of God, shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein both day and night, that you may observe to do, according to all that is written therein, for then you will make your way prosperous, and you will have good success. You know what? If you meditate, if you speak, if you act on the word of God. Did you know what’s gonna happen? You’re gonna be prosperous, and you’re gonna have good success. If you are not prosperous, and if you are not having good success, it’s because you haven’t been meditating. You haven’t been believing. You haven’t been speaking, and you haven’t been acting on God’s word. So, you know what? You have the power to change your life, by what you believe about God, by what you believe about yourself, and by what you believe about situations in this life. And if you want situations in this life to change, you need to begin to meditate the word, believe the word, speak the word, and act on the word. And you know what? The word will produce a harvest of life, in your life. Now we talked about speaking the word, and the power of the spoken word. You know, Jesus said this in Mark chapter, or Matthew 12:34. He said, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” So, when you meditate on the word, and the word changes the way that you think, and you begin to see life, as God sees it. As you begin to see yourself, the way God sees you. You cannot help, but to begin to speak different things, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Not only will you begin to speak differently, but you’ll begin to walk differently. You’ll begin to act differently. You know, because your thoughts proceed your words, and your words proceed your actions. Then Jesus said this in Matthew 12:37. He said, “By your words, you’re justified, and by your words, you’re condemned.” You know what? You’re not justified by my words. You’re not justified by your spouse’s words. You’re not justified by your teacher’s word. You’re not justified by your pastor’s word. You are justified by your words. That’s what Jesus said. Praise God. So, when you begin to understand these principles of faith, you can quit blaming everybody else for your problems, and start taking personal responsibility for your life. Start believing God, so that you can begin to see your life change. You can begin to see your life. Begin to conform to the image of God. I want my life to look like Jesus. Praise God. I want my life to look like the promises of God are true, and listen, it’s looking much better. Hallelujah. When I started out believing these things, I was just 14 years old. My parents were living in a double-wide trailer, and if you live in a double-wide trailer. God loves you. You know what? We graduated from a 10 by 40, to a 12 by 60, to a 26 by 60, trailer, and so praise God, God gave us better trailers as we move forward. But thank God I believed when I was a young child, I wouldn’t have to live in one. When I got filled with the Holy Ghost, when I started believing the promises. And you know what? When my parents, I was 14 years old, we started going to these Bible studies, and hearing the word of God and hearing the promises preach. My dad was sick with epilepsy. My parents had terrible marriage problems. Terrible, terrible nerve problems, all these problems. But you know, as we begin to believe the word, our life began to change, and it began to get better, and better, and better. And I believe that’s the way it is for every believer. I believe if you will believe the word, and you’ll begin to speak the word, and you’ll begin to act on the word of God, your life will begin to get better, and better, and better. And as a young man, I begin to have these thoughts. I don’t have to be sick. I don’t have to be poor. I don’t have to be defeated by the devil, but I can believe God. And you know what? I begin to change. The things I begin to say, change. Why? Because it, when I meditated the word of God, the word of God changed the picture on the inside of me. And you know what? The light of the body is the eye, and if you change the picture on the inside of you, the picture on the outside will come and conform to the picture on the inside. Praise God. I have a good picture on the inside. I see myself pastoring thousands of people. I see myself giving millions of dollars away a year, to missionaries, and to churches, and to other ministries. Praise God. I see myself, seeing the sick heal. Praise God. And we see that on a regular basis. I see these things. And you know what? When God changes that picture on the inside, I wanna give you an example from my own life. You know, in 1998, I was pastoring in Eastern Colorado, in Kit Carson, Colorado, a town of 300 people. It’s in a county that’s less than 2000 probably now, and it was about 2200, then. It might be 2200 now, but it’s about the same size, and that county covers 2,400 square miles. You know, that’s less than one person, a square mile. And we pastored this church of about a hundred people. We pastored there from 13 years, from 1988 to the year 2001. But in 1998, 10 years after we moved there, pastor Billy Epperhart, in Denver, Colorado, pastored Trinity Christian center. He invited me to come to some meetings, and when I went to those meetings, Mark Hankins was preaching, and mark Hankins was saying some things that challenged my conservative thinking. And as Mark Hankins preach, I said, I don’t know about what he says. Now, Billy paid for us to be there, paid for my whole family of five, put us in a nice hotel, bought all of our meals the whole week. And then Saturday, when we went home, you know what? We stopped by the McDonald’s, and I stopped by there to get lunch, ’cause I was paying for it. And you know what? I bought four quarter pounders with cheese. They were two for $2, and one quarter pounder with cheese meal, that was $3. So, that was $7 for my family of five to eat. And I got, you know, four waters, and one drink, and one French fry, or a box of French fries. When I went to the restroom, after I ordered, I came back and at the table at my place, my wife Barbara put the box of French fry, the French fry box and one French fry there. My quarter pounder with cheese and my water, somebody else got the drink. And I said, where are my French fries? Because even if you split a box of French fries, five ways, you get more than one French fry. And now I was struggling with what Mark Hankins was saying in the realm of financial prosperity. My wife said, you know what? He is right and you are wrong. And you know what? You can be a one French fry, man, if you want to. But I believe that God has more for us. Praise God. Well, I said, well, I don’t know about that. We ate our meal. We got in the car, we drove home. We lived about 150 miles from Denver. And you know, when we got home, as we were traveling, I was telling her, I just don’t know what to think. And so she didn’t push me, but you know, Sunday morning I got up and I preached, and then Monday morning I got up and went running. And when I went running Monday morning, the Lord spoke to me and you know what the Lord said to me, he said, Mark is right and you are wrong, and you need to get over it. Praise God. He quoted my wife’s message back to me, Praise God. Well now I have Mark Hankins come preach for me almost every year. And you know, Mark Hankins, he lives in a different realm than I do some of the way he lives challenges me, to be honest with you, but I need to be challenged because I don’t wanna just sit on dead center. Praise God. And we have moved forward into the goodness. We have moved forward into the blessing of God. Our life is a lot better, but you know, after I went to those meetings, I began to think if I could pastor this church in Kit Carson of a hundred people and give 50,000 a year, to missions and other ministries, which we did for 13 years, that we were there. I could pastor a church of thousand, and I could give away $5,000 a year or excuse me, $500,000 a year. You know what that happened in 2016, that happened. Amen. My church grew to about a thousand, and we gave away $500,000 that year. Over 500,000. Last year we gave away right at $500,000 in cash and gifts, and we gave away about another 200 plus thousand dollars, in gifts in kind. And you know what? God has blessed us. But if I wouldn’t have changed the way that I thought, and if I wouldn’t have changed the way that I spoke, I would never be where I’m at today. I would never be doing what I’m doing today. And I wouldn’t be blessing people like I’m blessing people today. But you know, we get to do that. Praise God. But I had to change what I thought. I had to change what I spoke, and I had to change what I did. So, if you want the word of God to come to pass, if you wanna be healed in your body, if you wanna receive the promises and prosper in your life, you need to continue to believe the word, meditate the word. Just like it says there in Joshua 1:8, meditate therein the word of God day and night. It also says that in Psalm 1:1-3, just meditate the word day and night. And as you meditate the word, as you get the word of God inside of you, and as you begin to let the word of God, change the picture on the inside of you, to where you begin to see yourself, the way God sees you. You’ll begin to talk differently. You’ll begin to say, thank God I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus. God restores health to me. I’m strong, and I’m healthy, and I’m doing the word of God. He sent his word and healed me and delivered me from my oppression. You you’ll begin to speak what God says about you. As you begin to speak that. Did you know what? You’ll begin to walk in health. You’ll begin to walk in healing. You know, when this whole COVID mess came up, my wife, Barbara, from the very beginning, she said, listen, my body has every antibody. It has every T-cell that I need, and I am not getting COVID. Praise God. And you know what? She has never had one symptom of COVID. But because later in the deal, you know, we were in Barbara’s dad got sick and he’s 86 years old, had never missed a day at work before this. But he kept working even after he was sick. And you know what? He got really sick and they had to take him by ambulance to the hospital, and then his wife got sick too, and she had to go to the hospital. So, when he got outta the hospital, we had to bring him to our house. So, they wanted us to check Barbara, and see if she had the antibodies, and I had previous to that binge checked, and I had the antibodies. So, we checked Barbara, and you know what? She had exactly what she said. She had antibodies in her body, and listen, she has not had a sniffle. She has not had a runny nose. She has not had a cough. She has not had a fever. She has not had anything, but her body has the antibodies in it. And we brought her dad home and saw him get recover completely. It was great healing time in our life and in Barbara’s life, and we thank God for that, but you know what? She believed the word of God. She believed what the word, what God said with long life. I will satisfy you and show you my salvation. Praise God. She believed that no plague would come near her dwelling. She believed that if the Bible says this in 3rd John 2. It says, “Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health as your soul prosperous.” You see she was already prospering in her soul, but because she was prospering in her soul, she began to prosper then, in her body. He said, you will prosper and be in health as her soul, her mind, and her will, and her emotions were in good health. It brought health and strength to her body. You know what? You can see God’s promises come to pass in your life. Just like I’ve seen him come to pass in my life. Just like my wife has seen him come to pass in her life. When you believe, when you meditate, when you believe, when you speak, and when you act on the word of God. The word of God’s gonna come to pass in your life. You see, God’s not a man that he should lie. Neither the son of man that he should repent. Whatever God said he’s gonna do. But if you’re gonna receive it, you’ve gotta believe it. You know, the Bible says, if you will not believe, surely you will not be established. We wanna see you established in the things of God. We wanna see the promises of God coming to pass in your life. We wanna see you prosper. We wanna see you be in health, just like the scripture says, but that happens as your soul prospers in the knowledge of God. Well, I certainly hope that you’ve enjoyed this broadcast. I’ve been teaching from my series, The Cross is the Cure, and we’ve really been focusing for the last two weeks on healing. Next week, my wife, Barbara’s gonna be here, and we’re gonna be sharing on Present to Heal. Thank God the Lord, is present to heal. And we got this healing package, The Cross is the Cure, the Covenant of Healing, and Present to Heal. You know, there’s at least nine hours of teaching in these three series on the subject of healing. These are CD teachings. We wanna get this out to you, so that you can get it to your friends, so they can begin to meditate the word, hear the word, believe the word. You know, the Bible says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, and when you hear the word of God, and believe the word of God, the word of God will bring forth fruit into your life, that looks like Jesus. Amen. And the word of God is working today. So, I want you to call in if you’d like these series. We’d love to get these out to you. I also wanna invite you. If you can’t come to church physically and be here, I wanna invite you to livestream our services. We have over double or triple the people that livestream our services, that physically come here and attend every Sunday morning. And so you can live stream by going to, or you can go to different websites and you can live stream us there. Just search for Charis Christian Center on YouTube. And we have services Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 10:30, and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. And praise God, you can receive the good word of God, and the word of God will build you up. The word of God will help you to receive what God has for you. Thanks so much for tuning in. It’s our prayer that God will bless you, as you allow Jesus first place, and if you need prayer, be sure, and give us a call today. Thank you, and God bless you.
[Announcer] Healing is just one of the many things that Jesus paid for on the cross. In this package containing Covenant of Healing. The Cross is the Cure, and Present to Heal. You’ll learn how to step out in faith, and trust Him to heal you. By His stripes. You were healed. You can get this special package for $39 with free shipping. Call 719-418-4000 or visit
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[Announcer] Thanks for watching Grace For Today. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000, or to partner online, go to You can write us at PO box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80962. See you next time on Grace For Today.