Every born-again believer should be baptized in the Holy Spirit! Jesus commanded his disciples to not depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father!

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The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Every born-again believer should be baptized in the Holy Spirit! Jesus commanded his disciples to not depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father! Our heavenly Father only has good and perfect gifts to give! The gift of the Holy Spirit is no exception! The church needs the dynamic duo of the Word and the Spirit! We shouldn’t blow up or dry up! We all need to grow up in the power of the Spirit and foundation of the Word of God. If the Acts 2 church needed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we still need it today!
The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit Transcript
Praise the Lord. Friends, I’m so glad that you’ve tuned in today. We’ve got a brand new series of messages. I’m gonna be teaching this week with my wife, Barbara, and we are talking about the Holy Spirit and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has changed my life. The Holy Spirit has changed, my wife, Barbara’s life and the Holy Spirit will change your life if you’ll receive it. Friends, it’s so good to have you with us today. We’re gonna be teaching today on the “Outpouring of The Holy Spirit.” And I know Barbara, that the Holy Spirit had changed my life, but not only has the Holy Spirit changed my life, the Holy Spirit changed your life. And you and I, both, grew up in traditional churches, and we both grew up in churches that said they believed in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, but they really didn’t believe in the present day ministry of the Holy Spirit. And so, we both had experiences about the same time. Mine was in a Bible study of Andrew Wommack’s before very many people knew Andrew Wommack at all in Lamar, Colorado in 1978. Yours was about that same time in Greeley. So, you know, tell ’em a little bit about how the Holy Spirit changed your life.
I’m just gonna tell them a little bit and then I think it’s gonna be good for us to share some scripture. And then after we come back, I’m gonna share even more. But what’s interesting, you just mentioned how we were so blessed that our parents took us to church where we learned about God.
But not only that, the church that I was in as far as a young girl, around eight years old, they didn’t even talk about the Holy Spirit. They talked about God the Father and Jesus the Son. And the message was really that we needed to receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. But what happened one day when I was just little sitting on the wooden pew there with my parents during the church service, the pastor actually opened up his Bible where it talked about receiving the Holy Spirit. But then he talked against it, that it wasn’t for a day. But even as a young child, something in my spirit leaped and praised God. I thought, “If that’s in the Bible, that’s for me
Praise God.
and I want it. But it wasn’t until years later where again, I heard the teaching. And I like how the Bible talks about as the disciples went about teaching and preaching the word of God, people would tell them, “Well, we haven’t even heard of such a thing. How can we receive it if we haven’t even heard about it?”
Right. Amen.
So, I think it’s good. We’re gonna share some scriptures and then I’ll share my testimony. And you have a testimony.
Right. So we live in a day of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
And in Acts chapter two, verse 17, “When the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost, this was 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection.” And the disciples had gathered together, and they were praying, and it talks about how the Holy Spirit was poured out and all these Jews were devout. Jews were gathered together. The scripture says in Acts chapter two, “From every nation under heaven, and they heard these Galilean disciples speaking in their own languages, the wonderful works of God and praises to God. And they said, what does this mean?” And Peter got up and began to preach to them. And he said this in act, it comes from Joel chapter two, but he says in verse 16, “This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel.” Acts chapter two, verse 16, “It shall come to pass in the last days, sayeth God.”
Well, I like what it goes on to say, “that I will pour my Spirit out on all flesh, but pour my Spirit out.” I love the word of God. You know, this is just amazing that something is gonna be poured out for everyone.
On all of us,
Right, on your sons and your daughters. People from every nation under heaven, Jews, devout people, people who feared God. And He said, “Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will dream dreams.” So you know there’s gonna be speaking gifts, there’s gonna be gifts of revelation. And He said, “I’m gonna show wonders in heaven and signs in the earth, blood, fire, vapor, and smoke.” You know, there’s gonna be power gifts. And He says, “The sun’s gonna be turned into darkness. This happens at the end of the day of grace” in the Book of Revelation, “and the moon into blood before that great and notable day of the Lord will come, and it will come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” So Peter, you know, Peter got, in fear when Jesus was crucified and cussed, and sworn, said he didn’t know His name. But when he got baptized in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit took the chicken out of him. Praise God. And he began to preach to them, “This Jesus that you crucified, God has raised Him from the dead, and He has sent forth this that you now see in here.” Later, they asked in Acts chapter two, “What shall we do,” in verse 37? And Peter said in verse 38, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
You know, I like that, what you just shared in verse 38 ’cause a lot of times, again, the way we were raised in a traditional church, it was really taught about receiving Jesus and getting saved. But they forgot to mention there’s so much more that God has for us.
And I look at it that there are gifts for us. And just like at a holiday or Christmas time, you don’t have to implore people to open up their presents. They just tear in them all and open ’em all up.
That’s right.
But it’s interesting in the body of Christ that there are gifts available, but yet people aren’t receiving them.
We have to choose to receive this amazing gift of speaking in tongues.
Yeah. When we’re, and notice what he says ’cause some people think that this stopped with the first apostles, but notice what he says. Now, he’s actually talking about three things in verse 38. He’s talking about salvation. The Bible talks about repentance.
And faith in Jesus Christ. In Hebrews chapter 6, verse 1, that’s talking about salvation. Then he’s talking about being baptized, that’s talking about water baptism. And then in the third aspect, he’s talking about receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Now, when we give gifts, generally, we give gifts at Christmas time to our family. So you have to be a member of the family
I like that.
to be qualified to receive the gift
of the Holy Spirit. And then, and so he said, “This is what you got. You gotta get saved, then you should get baptized.” Everybody who’s saved ought to be baptized following Jesus’ example
in obedience to Christ’s command. “And then as an answer of a good conscience,” the Bible calls it. But then he says, “Once you’re saved that you’re a candidate for once you’re in the family, you’re a candidate to receive this gift of the Holy Spirit.” And notice what Peter says in verse 39, Acts two, verse 39, this promise, the promise of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the promise of speaking in tongues a personal prayer language. “This promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off.” He did not limit it just to those people there on that day. He did not limit it to their children. He said, “To all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Now when you study the scriptures, Jesus said, “If I be lifted up from the earth,” in John 12, I believe it’s verse 32, “I will draw all men to myself.” You study that out, it means, I’ll take all judgment to my, when Jesus died on the cross, He took the judgment for the whole world. And He said, I’ll draw all these people to myself. So we were called into salvation when we believed on Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
I like how you read that the Bible says this, again, in Acts two, verse 21, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” It’s not complicated. You can just say simply, Jesus, help me.
But Jesus will come into our life. And then I like what you shared on down there in chapter two, that “The baptism, of the Holy Spirit is for the members of the family.” It’s a gift. It’s a bonus that you can choose to receive. And it made me think about a number of years ago, you’re always very kind for birthdays and Christmas time and getting me things. And I remember getting, seeing a flyer in the mail about a certain fragrance. And so I said, “Hey, you know, this might be something you can get me for Christmas present,” but I noticed on the flyer when you purchased this special fragrance at Christmas time, there was a bonus gift.
And so I sent you with information, and you went, and you came home and I asked you, “Well, did you get the bonus gift?” And you know, you said, “No, I forgot.” And I sent you back to the store. And I said, “The bonus gift is even more better than the gift itself.” I’m like, “Go back and get the bonus gift.” And I said, “Take the receipt and go back.” And what was so funny is you took the receipt, and you went back and talked to the store clerks. And even they said the same thing that I did. They said, “These bonus gifts are fantastic, and you don’t wanna leave without ’em.” And that’s what I see happening here.
He’s gonna pour out the Holy Spirit. And of course, the Holy Spirit is already available for us to simply receive.
I like, yeah, and I like what you said, you don’t wanna leave without this. This is what Jesus actually told His disciples. He said, “You shall receive power” in Acts chapter one, verse eight, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. That word, power, in the Greek is the word, dunamis. It means special, wonderful, miracle working power. The same power that Jesus had. “When the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the uttermost part of the world.” So basically, Jesus is telling him, and you can read this also in Luke 24, in the Great Commission, Jesus basically says, “The whole reason that I came that I was crucified and rose again is that salvation and repentance, and remission of sin should be preached to the whole world.” But He said, “Don’t leave Jerusalem.”
“Until you receive the Holy Spirit, until you be endued with power, clothed with power from on high.” And every born again believer, everyone who believes on Jesus as their Savior can receive this promise of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A personal prayer language given to you. You know, Romans 8:26 says, “We don’t know how to pray like we should, but the Spirit prays through us with groanings that cannot be uttered.” One translation says, “The Holy Spirit prays through us in languages that cannot be understood.” And the Bible talks, Paul said, “I thank God I pray in tongues more than you all.” And the Bible talks about praying in the tongues of men and of angels. And when we pray in tongues, the good thing about it, it’s like a mind bypass. It’s like your hotline to heaven. And we are praying direct to heaven, the perfect will of God.
And even though you and I both grew up in churches who that did not believe in this promise, about the same time I started with Andrew Wommack in Lamar, Colorado at a Bible study. You started with a man by the name of Dave Duell in Greeley, Colorado. Praise God, and your life was changed forever for the good. Praise God, and you know, we’re gonna come back in a short break, and I’m gonna have you tell about your experience when you went to this spirit filled church as a teenager. And God literally transformed your life in a good way. And you know what? If you haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we have prayer ministers that will take your calls that will pray for you. We have many, many people that call in. Many of ’em go to different churches that don’t necessarily teach this, but they call in and receive their gift
Praise God.
from God. And I’m gonna encourage you to call in today, and we have lots of information that’s available, also teaching on the internet. And you can check this out. So we’re gonna be back right after this break, and Barbara’s gonna talk about her experience with the Holy Spirit as a young girl. Blessings. Friends, I’m so glad that you’re with us today. And I want to tell you about a very special offer today, and this week, we are offering “Absolute Victory in Christ,” my book on salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and believing the Word for a donation of any amount. Plus, we’re offering our teaching on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in audio or video download, free of charge. Blessings. Listen, storms come to everyone, the man that built his house on the rock, and the man that built his house on the sand, and the storms came. And the wise man’s house stood strong, and the foolish man’s house fell, blah. You know what the difference was? What they did with the work. Friends, I’m glad you stayed with us. And I have Barbara here and I just, like I told you, Barbara’s gonna share a little bit because she, just like me, we grew up in a traditional church. And yet, she was, they went through a kind of a traumatic thing in their family. And your mom took you to Dave Duell’s church. Tell ’em about how this worked when you first got in this spirit filled work.
Well, I’m excited to share my personal testimony of what it means to understand the Holy Spirit in receiving that special gift in speaking in tongues. And like you mentioned, we were both raised in traditional churches. And you mentioned not only did your church, maybe not teach about it, the church I was going to as a young child taught against the Holy Spirit. And something in me just leaped. If that’s in the Bible, I want it. And I wanna encourage all of you watching today, if it’s in the Bible, you should desire and want it and freely receive it. Freely receive it.
That’s right.
So as we mentioned, it was when I was 13 years old, my parents went through a difficult time and they separated. And my mother, one day, I came home from school and my mother told me, she’s like, “This Sunday, we’re gonna go to this new church.” It was a startup church, but they already had hundreds of people going there at the time. And there was rumors throughout our city that I lived in, even throughout the school I went to about that crazy church that people were swinging from the chandeliers and rolling in the aisles. And so, when my mom said, “We’re gonna go to that church.” I got really excited because I thought, “This is gonna be awesome,” just because of hearing all these crazy stories about it. And so, anyway, we went to this church and what was so amazing, honey, there’s something about the Holy Spirit, when there’s a manifestation, a presence of the Holy Spirit, there is something tangible that is real.
You’re gonna be talking about, I know, this week about miracles and things, but all is I can tell you is when I was 13 years old and we went to this crazy church that had lots of rumors about it, I just opened those glass doors and as I walked into this place, it was like a tidal wave, just a wave hit me and lifted me up, a wave of just unconditional love. You could feel it, you can sense it, and it touched me in a very special way. It touched my very soul. And again, I wasn’t even aware of people or people at the door, even my mother at the time, who we were side by side the whole time, but I experienced something supernatural when I opened these doors. Then as we went on into this church and went on into the sanctuary, there was large groups of people and off in one corner, I began to see a light shining. And as I watched this light, it was a gentleman who was going from different groups of people shaking their hand, but talking to them. And then he came closer to us, and there was a light on his head, like a fire on his head that I could see. And I was raised, again, in traditional churches that didn’t teach these things about the presence of the Holy Spirit.
And it was the pastor of this church that came and just told us, “Hi.” And that’s all I remember seeing him or talking to him. And then the service was phenomenal. But what really was exciting, it was later, either later that day or within a very short time, this pastor showed up at our door and had a check in his hand and some things to help us ’cause again, my parents had went through a separation. I was left with a parent and no money. We had no money. We’re running out of just simple necessities of life, like groceries and things. And this pastor showed up and had this check in his hand and told my mom, “God told me to bring this to you.”
That was with my mother. I never heard her tell anybody anything personal about what, this was our first time there. And again, something leaped in my spirit because I just thought, “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. God does talk to us.” And so, I got so excited because again, this was a sign of the Holy Spirit that I knew that God had to talk to this pastor.
There’s no other way that he could’ve known. And so, we talked about how at these ages, both of us, I was 13, you’re around 14, going to a church that talked about our Bible state, that talked about the Holy Spirit.
It changed our life. That moment changed my life.
Amen. You know, and my life was changed too. But I like what you’re talking about in Acts chapter two, it actually says, “In the initial filling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, after the resurrection of Jesus,” it says in verse three, in verse two, “That they were waiting in the upper room in Jerusalem and they were praying.” And it says in verse two, “There came a sound from heaven, like a rushing might of wind and filled the house where they were sitting, and there appeared unto them forked tongues, cloven tongues like as a fire, and it sat upon each one of them.” You saw like a light on
Pastor’s head.
Pastor’s head.
You know, I had a minister. She was a prophet of God. She’s went home to be with Jesus. Her name was Bobbie Jean Merck, and I met her in 1981, right after my daddy went to heaven. A couple of weeks, she came and held a meeting at our church in Lamar, Colorado. And she was actually holding meetings in a hotel in Atlanta, Georgia years ago. And people called the fire department because they saw flames of fire coming out of the roof. And it wasn’t a physical fire, but it was the Holy Spirit. Like when Moses with the burning bush, it was the fire of God, the presence of God, but the bush wasn’t burned up. That same exact thing. And when the Holy Spirit was poured out, this happened. Now, I was a little bit different. I went to Andrew Wommack’s Bible study. I heard about it, and he was teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And there’s so many things, Jesus, was preparing His disciples in John 14, 15, and 16 for His departure. And He primarily taught about two things. Number one, He taught about the coming ministry of the Holy Spirit. And He said, “I am going to leave, but I’m not gonna leave you as orphans.” And he called the Holy Spirit in the Greek, it’s the word, parakletos, and it means, the one called alongside, to help you. And the helper, the comforter, or the one called alongside, the teacher. He said, “Even though I’m leaving, you’re not gonna be alone ’cause the Holy Spirit’s gonna come, and He’s gonna help you”. And so, primarily, He teaches about the coming Holy Spirit. And then He talks about, secondly, the authority that we have in the name of Jesus. Now, it’s interesting to me that the two messages that have been left out of most churches today are number one, the message of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. And number two, the authority of the believer. The authority that we have in the name of Jesus.
That’s right.
See, a lot of people think, well, it’s all up to God what happens. But I’m gonna tell you, you have authority as a believer, and I’m telling you, it’s not all up to God. Some of it’s up to you. And God’s will sometimes is not accomplished because believers don’t take their authority, and they don’t use the gifts that God’s given them. But we don’t have to be in that bunch, praise God. Hallelujah. We could take authority in the name of Jesus, and we have the Holy Spirit to help us.
Glory to God.
And so thank God for these gifts. But I went to Andrew’s Bible study, and he was teaching on the Holy Spirit. And at the end of when he got done teaching, he said, “Anybody here that has not received this gift, you can come forward if you’d like to receive it.” It was in my aunt’s apartment over in the southeast part of Lamar, Colorado. And different believers gathered around, you know, Andrew, he was up in the front of the dining room. There’s a dining room and a living room and a kitchen. I was sitting over in the kitchen where you could see the end of the dining room and we had 50 or 60 people there, and we’d fill that place up. But anyway, and they gathered around and then he invited the believers who were baptized in the Holy Spirit to come and join around them and lay hands on them and pray for them. After they got up there, I decided that I wanted it. So I got in the back of the line, you know, the Bible says, “The last will be first.” Hallelujah. And I just went, when Andrew prayed for those people, I just lifted up my hands. This, I was 14 years old. This has been 45 years ago, and I just started speaking in tongues. And did you know, I have spoke in tongues nearly every day since that, for 45 years, probably every day, if not every day, almost every day. You sometimes ask me, “What are you praying?” “I’m praying in tongues, laying in bed, praise God, praying in tongues, worshiping God in the morning.” Hallelujah. And I hear you worshiping and you know what? Sometimes I don’t know what I’m praying about. Sometimes the Lord will gimme revelation, and I know what I’m praying about. But thank God for the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and it only starts here. You know, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is like a doorway into all these other gifts of the Holy Spirit. Did you know before the Spirit of God came on Jesus in Luke chapter four, He was 30 years old. When he was baptized by John, the Holy Spirit came on Him, and He went into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He came back after 40 days and 40 nights of fasting in the wilderness. Listen, he beat the devil at every turn.
But He came back and it says the power of the Lord was on Him. And then it says, He began to say, “He went to His hometown, Nazareth, went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day.” We need to get back to doing that. Praise God? Get back to church. Amen?
And we meet on Sunday because number one, first of all, Jesus was raised from the dead on Sunday. And second of all, the Holy Spirit was sent. And the church was born on Sunday, 50 days later. So Jesus was there, and they gave Him the scroll of Isaiah to read. And he began to say, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he’s anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor.” Do you know before that Jesus never healed one person. He never multiplied the bread. He never raised one person from the dead. He did all these miracles after the Holy Spirit came on Him. Jesus needed the Holy Spirit to do His ministry and fulfill what God told Him to do on there. And guess what? We need the Holy Spirit to do what God’s called us to do.
Barbara, before we go off, I want you to take just a moment and speak to the people and pray for them.
Well, praise God. We just wanna encourage you, if you would love to ask Jesus Christ into your heart, you can do that right now. If you would like to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, you can call that number and someone, one of our prayer ministers will be happy to pray for you. But I’m just gonna pray for you right now. Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you in the precious name of Jesus for everyone watching right now, Lord God. Lord, that you have amazing things, amazing plans in store for them, specific plans and purposes, Lord. And Lord, I thank you that we have not been left as orphans, but you have left the Holy Spirit that we can receive Him and receive boldness and power to be witnesses to everywhere that we go, Lord God, that the Holy Spirit, it edifies us when we pray in tongues, and the Holy Spirit comforts us in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Every born again believer should be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus commanded His disciples not to depart from Jerusalem until they had received power from on high. If the Acts two church needed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we still need it today. We’d like to bless you with a digital copy of the teaching, “The Outpouring of The Holy Spirit,” a $25 value, free of charge. Download it today at CharisChristianCenter.com.
Friends, the scripture says, “If you will continue in the word of God, you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.” The word of God has blessed me so much, and I want to make this word that I’ve received available to you. If you go to our website at CharisChristianCenter.com, you can get all of our materials there on the website as you watch ’em, as you listen, absolutely free of charge. And we’ve done that just to be a blessing to you. I hope you’ve enjoyed the message today, enjoyed the word of God, and I believe that the word that has freed me will free you. Blessings.
Thanks for watching “Grace For Today.” This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer, or have a question, please call us at 719 418 4000. Or to partner online, go to CharisChristianCenter.com/Give. You can write us at P.O. Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on “Grace For Today.”