Missions Ministry And Miracles – Part 5 Lawson Perdue and Mario Venzor

People are gonna be healed, people are gonna be ministered to, they’re gonna be set free by the power of God.

Missions Ministry And Miracles Transcript

  Praise the Lord, friends. Welcome to the broadcast. I’m so glad that you tuned in today. We’re gonna have a great time of ministry. I’m sharing with my friend Mario Binzer, he’s here with us today on the program. I believe people are gonna be healed, people are gonna be ministered to, they’re gonna be set free by the power of God. So stay tuned and tell your friends about this broadcast today. Thank you so much, and God bless you. Friends, it’s so good to have you with us today. We’ve been talking about Miracles, Missions, and Ministry all weekend. We’re gonna focus a little bit today on miracles. In fact, we talked a little bit yesterday about the man that was healed at the temple gate in Acts 3 when Peter and John went to the temple at the hour of prayer, about 9:00 AM in the morning, and they left their wallets at home. We know the apostles had some money, because in Acts 2 the believers had sold their goods and laid the money at the apostles feet. So they left their wallets at home, and there was a man there and he was carried there and he was begging for alms. And he had been lame from his mother’s womb. And Peter looked at him and said, “Look on us. Look on us. We have something.” There’s confidence in that. And he said, “Silver and gold, have we none. We left our wallet at home. But such as we have, I have something for you right now.” Hallelujah, amen. Such as we have, we give to you in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus,


  In the name of Jesus.


  get up, take up your bed and walk. And they took him by the hands, and immediately it says his feet and ankle bones received strength. This man was over 40 years old. This was a working of a miracle, immediately. Now, I don’t care how people get healed. I don’t care if it’s immediate, I don’t care if it’s a process, I just wanna see people healed. Jesus was in the healing business. I wanna work with him, hallelujah? And immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and he went walking and leaping and praising God. And when the news of this got out, the Jews got worried, the Jewish leaders of the synagogue. And so they called Peter and John in and they brought them before the council, and they really began to threaten them and command them not to preach or teach anymore in the name. There’s 5,000 people got saved. This is one miracle.


  Praise the Lord.


  It was an amazing deal in Acts 4, the beginning of this. So they brought them, and Peter, it says, when they brought them and they asked them in verse seven, when they set them in the midst, Acts 4:7, they said, “‘By what power or what name have you done this?’ Then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost said unto them, ‘You rulers of the people and elders of Israel, if this day we be examined of the good deed.'” Again, God does good things.




  “Done to this sick, weak man, by what means he’s made whole. Be it known unto you all, and the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus.” And then he lays it right out. Boy, he don’t cut any corners. He doesn’t care what they think. “By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified,” this is Acts 4:10. “Whom God raised from the dead, even by him does this man stand before you whole. Jesus is the stone that was set at nought of you builders, and he has become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. When they saw the boldness,” look at this in verse 13, “of Peter and John, they perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men. It wasn’t through their knowledge, it wasn’t through their ability or even their holiness. They marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.” Man, when you’ve been with Jesus, it changes your countenance. It changes how you talk and how you walk and what you do. “And beholding the man which was standing there healed, they could say nothing against it, but when they could commanded them to go aside out of the council, they confirmed among themselves and said, ‘What shall we do to these men, for indeed a notable miracle,'” this is a notable miracle, “‘has been done by them and made known to all those who dwell in Jerusalem,




  and we cannot deny it.'” Man, that God wants to do that today.




  Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.




  “But that has spread no further among the people that has straightly threatened them, that they speak from this point to no man in his name. And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all or teach in the name of Jesus.” They were afraid of the authority of the name of Jesus.




  “But Peter and John answered and said unto them, ‘Whether it’s right in the sight of God to harken to you more than God judge you for we cannot help but talk about the things we have seen and heard.'” When you come into a relationship with God through Christ, and you have the Holy Spirit work in your life,




  you can’t help sometimes, but say some things. And he says, “but we cannot speak these things.” We can’t help it. “So when they further threaten them and let them go finding nothing how they might punish them because of what the people for the men glorified God.” This is really what this is to do. When healings and miracles take place, it’s for the glory of God. He says, “for the man was above 40 years old on whom this miracle,” this was a miracle again of healing.




  God and miracles when God works through a person or instrument to perform a supernatural act in an instance,




  that’s the working of miracles. It’s one of the nine manifestations of the spirit and it’s still in existence today.




  “So being let go, they went to their own company and they reported to them to what the chief priests and elders had said unto them.” So they lifted up their voice to God. Now listen to what they prayed in verse 29 through verse 31. “And now Lord behold their threatenings and grant to your servants that with all boldness,” they said, God give us boldness to speak the word. We’re not gonna shut up, hallelujah. We’re not gonna be put up.




  We’re we’re not gonna shut up. “By stretching forth your hand to heal that signs and wonders


  Oh God.


  may be done by the name of your holy child, Jesus. And when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were filled with the Holy Ghost.”




  And they spoke the word with boldness. We need people to be filled with the Holy Ghost.


  Yes, yes.


  And to speak the word in boldness.




  There’s some places, it’s been so long since they’ve had a move of the Holy Ghost.


  Yes, yes.


  Since they’ve been filled with the Holy Ghost.




  And we need to still have people filled with the Holy Ghost.




  And speak the word boldly.




  “And the multitude of them that believed were in one heart and one soul,” that they didn’t take their own things. They had all things in common.




  They brought their wealth, they gave it to the apostles. Notice what verse 33 says. “And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.




  And great grace was upon them all.” This is something that I like to say.




  I like to say, where great grace is preached, great power is released.




  We need to preach the grace of God. It’s the grace of God,


  Yes, we do.


  that releases the power of God. It’s not, you gotta be so good. Most people come to God when they’re asking in prayer. They’re condemned and the devil tries to use condemnation.


  Yeah, exactly.


  But we need to preach the grace of God.




  The goodness of God, just like Jesus did to the man let down through the roof. He said, son, cheer up, your sins are forgiven. There’s three chairs in the gospels. Your sins are forgiven, that was that one.




  Jesus came and he walked on the water when the disciples were caught in a storm. And they said, “Lord, if it’s you.” And he said, “Cheer up, it’s me. Be not afraid.”


  Yeah, yeah.


  Hallelujah. Hallelujah, the Lord hasn’t left you. He’s still with you. You may be in the storm, but the Lord’s with you. The other one is John 16:33. Jesus said, “In the world, you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I’ve overcome the world.” Jesus has overcome the world. There may be some problems, some difficulty, some challenges, but you need to be of good cheer because your sins are forgiven.


  Yes, yes.


  Because the Lord has not left you. And because Jesus has overcome the world, and you overcome the world through him.


  Amen. You should call yourself a cheerial Christian now because all that cheer getting into you. And I realized, pastor, that while we’re speaking, the joy of the Lord is strengthening us.




  And I believe that people that are hearing this good news, they’re being strengthened by the joy of the Lord.




  And just look at Peter. He was a chicken at one time.




  And now he’s like a champion. You guys did this. You guys did this.




  Then they threatened and they asked the Lord for boldness. That’s one of my prayers. Lord, I ask you to make me bold so I can manifest the word of God and,




  say the word like it should be because we need to be clear cut about what God says, the love of God, and not be intimidated by the world.




  Because the world will try to put you in a box and say, oh, those things that they don’t happen. Well, you got to me too late because I seen miracles, signs, and wonders ever since I got born again. And then when I got full of the Holy Spirit it is like putting airplane gas on my tank. You’re like, oh, now I’m on a cruise. So this is very powerful. I remember creative miracles, but I’m not going to stay here in the place where I am. I’m contending for the faith that was given to the saints. We have to contend against some belief against fear against this world putting us in a box.




  It’s like those things don’t happen. Oh, I’m sorry. You got to me too late. We got so many testimonies here in the church.




  People raised from the dead.




  People healed, deliver, broken hearts, people restore.




  And I mean, it is the goodness of the Lord that makes you change your mind of who he is that leads you to repentance.




  And I remember one time I went to pray for this lady, talk about creative miracles. I love creative miracles. I think I had a vision one time, and the Lord showed me a lot of spare parts in heaven.


  Oh yeah.


  And I seen him come, like the blanket that came, that sheet that came and Peter says, “Hey, sit, eat this.” And I seen all these creative miracles, all these parts coming from heaven. And I remember going and praying for this lady. She was like probably 79. She had fallen and broken her hip.




  And so I said, I used to visit her and she will cook for me because we’re men of God, we’re kind of have a big appetite for food. So anyway, she couldn’t cook that day. And I say to the Lord, “Lord, I’m hungry. I’m gonna pray for her.” And so I prayed for her. And while I was praying for her, I seen her like in my mind’s eye, I seen her running.




  So without me thinking,




  I grab her by the hand, yank her out of the bed and we start running and she goes, no, no, no, no, no. Praise the Lord. She was healed instantly. A new hip.




  And the doctor said to her, “What happened to you?” Says, “Well, this relation to me, he’s a Pentecostal and he believes those things.” And the pastor, the doctor said, “Oh, those Pentecostals.” But here’s the proof.




  And you know, every miracle that God does it serves as a domino effect for the Lord to do things on you.


  Yeah. Amen.


  So if you are going through any issues with hips, with missing body parts, we are believing the Lord for those spare parts to come unto you.




  Just receive them.


  Amen. You know, I was in Minneapolis and there was a woman that couldn’t go to Bible school because she’d been a car wreck like 20 years before. And it crushed her hip or something. And I mean, she was on a walker, she could barely get around. She was in bad shape. And I prayed for her and within 24 hours she was completely healed. It’s like this thing never happened 20 years earlier. She was completely healed. I’ve seen people healed of heart disease. I had a man there in Minneapolis at that same time. And he had been on prescription medication for his heart. He was over 60 years, since he was 10 years old. For over 50 years, he’d done been prescription medication. God healed his heart. He went to the doctor, they checked him out, they took him off the medication. He never had to go on it again. He told me like two years later, the directors of the Bible school where I was ministering, Ken and Lori Obama told him, “You need to tell pastor about this miracle.” I had a man in Kansas City, he couldn’t even walk a quarter of a mile. He was on oxygen. He had had a heart disease and challenge. I prayed for him. He went out that afternoon and walked four miles. Glory to God, his heart was healed.


  Praise the Lord.


  So we’ve seen heart miracles. We’ve seen a lot of people healed in their hips. We’ve seen a lot of people healed in different areas. And you know, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.




  And the word is working.




  And so I wanna just encourage you




  today don’t be discouraged. Don’t let the devil discourage you, but be encouraged. I believe this joy you’re talking about is the fruit of the spirit.




  It’s a fruit of faith. It’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit in our life. It’s a fruit of faith and boldness. I believe both of those things. But some of you ought to come to church here in Colorado Springs.




  We have services on Sunday morning, on Wednesday nights. You ought to come and receive. We miss a couple of Wednesdays a year. The one right before Thanksgiving we’re off and we’re off on the one generally between Christmas and New Year’s. But other than that, we have service on Sunday morning, on Wednesday night. We see people healed, filled with the Holy Ghost,




  saved, set free by the power of God. And you know what? There’s just something about being in person. If you can’t come here in person, you can livestream the services.




  And so you can come and you can receive the good word of God. And you know, when you receive the word, not every message that’s preached builds faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. By faith comes by declaration, declaration by the mouth of God. Not everybody is telling you who God really is.




  And it’s not really building your faith. You could see Mario, he is full of faith. He is full of the Holy Ghost. Well, he’s been in a good Bible school and he’s been in a good church. And that helped you stay full of faith and stay full of the Holy Ghost. And so I wanted Mario as one of our prayer ministers. I just had him pray for a woman that had a very serious condition. I told her husband, he told me on a Friday, I said, “Listen, you come to church on Sunday. I can’t come today. I can’t come tomorrow. I’m going to another state, but you come and you have Mario Venzor, you have the head of my prayer team.” And my wife went and prayed. I believe his wife’s gonna be completely healed.




  She had a terrible diagnosis. But Jesus is the same, praise God. And there’s something about when we get together with the saints, praise God. The Bible says, “forsake not the assembly.”


  Yes, yes.


  So come if you can. Get here in person, have people lay hands on you, anoint you with oil. Praise God. We got oil here. We anoint people with oil. Praise God. We believe in the Bible. We believe in the word of God, amen? You can receive the Holy Ghost.




  You can receive Jesus. If you can’t come in person, watch online. Praise God. I took way longer than I was gonna talk.


  You’re fine.


  But we’re gonna take a short break. We’re gonna be back and we’re gonna continue to talk about receiving the power of God in your body. God wants you free today. And it comes by the truth of the word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Bless us.


  Hallelujah. Your daughters said, “We’re gonna get good education. We’re gonna go to good schools like Pastor Lawson’s sons.” Is that what they said?


  You would say we have favor with God, we have favor with men, and we have good understanding. We have the mind of Christ. And the kids will hear that pastor kids going to a school of mine, Princeton. If God can do that for the pastor kids, then he can do it to us. And so the oldest graduated and get a scholarship to the Colorado College, and now working in the government in Washington, DC. The second went to Duke University. Come to graduate next month as a medical doctor.


  Faith works with what you believe and see. And she believed it and she said it before she received it. Friends, I’m so glad that you stayed with us. We’ve been talking about the miracle power of God. And you know, I love miracles.




  I’ve loved miracles. You know what? I saw miracles before I ever went into pastoral ministry. I traveled and I preached and I saw miracles. And I knew, man, this isn’t me. This is Jesus.




  The gift of faith, the working miracles,




  the gifts of healings, we’ve seen those things in operation. We’ve seen people healed for years. People who’ve been diagnosed, incurable. And they’ve come back and said, they’ve told them to die within six months and they’re completely healed. We’ve seen people healed of cancer. We’ve seen people healed of heart disease. We’ve seen people healed of hip problems, all kinds of difficulties and problems. And Jesus is the same. He still works.


  Amen. And he does restore too. I love his restoration because he says, he restores my soul. He says that good Lord is my shepherd. I shall not lack. And he says, he restores my soul.




  He makes you feel like normal sometimes when you lose things. Let’s say that you lose a marriage, you lose your business, you lose a car or something, you don’t feel normal again. But the Lord is into the restoring business.




  So this is a church that restores people.




  This is a church that loves people.




  He’s a pastor that loves people. And I love that about this church. That we are restoring church. And Jesus was always restoring,




  always loving.




  But miracles come with it. I remember years and years ago, a guy, a friend invited me and says, “Man, I have so many problems with my wife.” He said, “She fell and she go into schizophrenia or some kind of epileptic seizures.” She goes, “Will you come and pray?”




  And you know, like the Bible says, the Lord always was coming from healing somebody, was healing somebody or was on the way to heal somebody. So this is what we do, right?




  Because as he is, we are in this world. So I’ll say, I go with you. So when I got there, this lady, they had to call the ambulance two, three times a week because she going through these schizophrenic things and she will get very violent. And when I got there, I just had a lot of compassion for him and for her. Lay my hands on her. And when I lay my hands on her, she start laughing uncontrollably. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


  The joy.


  She never had another attack because the Lord restores, the Lord heals. And then I had a member of my family that was a bipolar




  13 year old kid. And that kid is in school, they say, there is nothing we can do with him. He’s always into fights. And they diagnose him with bipolar. And he was taking all these medications to calm him down.




  But we pray for him. And now he’s a fireman. He did the honor roll. He finished his high school and he’s going to college. Who he did it?




  The Lord.




  The Lord.




  Because he heals the broken hearted.




  He restores, he delivers the captive.




  And he wants to do creative miracles.




  Sometimes I say, well, I wanna do this for my children. We love our children. You want the best for them. And I remember one time my kid came to me and said, “I have this problem at work.” And I was kind of getting worried and I went hiking. And the Lord said, “Hey, we’re not enjoying this too much.” I said, because you know like kid, “I am so worried about my kid.” And he goes, “Who loves your kid more? You or me?”




  That disarm me right away. I say, “No Lord, we’re gonna have a good time. I cast my care on you.”




  And there’s people that are loaded with worry, with anxiety, with fear.




  And we’re gonna take authority over that. You know that,




  you see that a lot of people, because they live with a lot of symptoms and they live with a sickness and disease or the lack, they’re full of fear.




  So we can take authority over that fear,




  and command it to go and just let them just live


  Yeah, we need to take authority.


  a good life.


  You know, I’ve been reminded this as we’ve been teaching, and I think somebody may have this specific need, but there was a woman that brought a little girl here. She was over two years old. She had never walked. She had had her to the doctor. The doctors had said she had some condition and she would never walk. But Barbara and I laid hands on this little girl and we spoke to her mind and we spoke to the nerve endings in her mind and we commanded them to work. And that young girl had never walked in her life. She was over two years old and she walked out of the church that day and she’s walked ever since. She’s continued to progress. She’s never had that problem again. You see, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. And you may be facing a lot of trouble. You know, I was reminded of the disciples in Acts 13 and Acts 14, Paul. And they ran him out of town one place, ran him out of town another place, ran him out of town another place and then they beat him and stoned him to death in Acts 14. And the disciples gathered around him and raised him from the dead.


  Very good.


  And you know what Paul did? He turned right around and he went right back where they tried to defeat him. He went right back to where they stoned him and he preached the gospel. He went right back to the next town where they ran him out of town and he preached the gospel. He went right back. He just retraced his steps. Because you don’t lose when you’re in Christ, amen? But there’s a scripture right in the middle of that. It’s Acts 13:52. And it said, “The disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost and with joy.” And I want you to know that you can be filled with the Holy Ghost and you can be filled with joy today. The joy of the Lord is your strength. And you don’t need to let your problem become overwhelming. You don’t need to let this difficulty become overwhelming. It’s like Mario was saying, you cast your care on the Lord. Give it to Jesus, let him take care of it, but be filled with the Holy Ghost, be filled with joy, praise God. And I believe the Lord will encourage you, amen?


  Yes, He will.


  And the Lord will strengthen you. I believe the Lord will help you, and the Lord will heal you. Mario, I want you before we go off the air today, pray for the sick.




  Pray for those who are in need. And I want you just to open your heart and receive from God. The Bible says, “If two or three of us agree on earth as touching anything, it will be done by our Father, which is in heaven.”


  Amen. That’s in Matthew 18.




  So we’re agreeing with you in the name of Jesus, that by Jesus Christ that you are healed and that the word of God is working in your life.


  Amen, amen. So in the name of Jesus, we take authority over every sickness and disease, every fear, every confusion, every condemnation, every shame. We commanded to leave you now in Jesus’ name. And we release the strength and the power of the resurrection. We release the compassion of God. There it is, there it is. Take it, take it, and rest. Take it and rest in his love. And Father, those people, those friends that their hearts are broken, Lord, because they lost somebody, Lord, they lost a business, Lord. We just thank you, Lord, for restoration.




  We declare, Lord, that this is the acceptable year, the Lord for them. The years where your favors abound for them, Lord.




  We declare Father, that they see things with a new perspective by the power




  of your Holy Spirit, Lord.




  We just release what’s in our Spirit, Lord, into their hearts. We speak peace into their mind, will and emotions. And we declare Lord, that the devil is crushed by the peace of God in their hearts.


  Amen. Thank you so much for being with us today and tuning in. You know, we have literally hundreds of hours of teaching. I also have great teaching on the authority of the believer that we’ve taught, our authority in Christ and the Holy Spirit. So you can get these teachings and many more, hundreds of hours of teachings and they’re free of charge on our website at CharisChristianCenter.com. The word will produce freedom in your life. Psalm 138:2 says, “I magnified my word above all of my name.” Thank God His word is magnified. Praise God. When you honor the word, you honor God. When you honor the word, you honor Christ. You need to let the word of God be the absolute standard for truth, praise God. Friends, the scripture says, “If you will continue in the word of God, you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.” The word of God has blessed me so much and I want to make this word that I’ve received available to you. If you go to our website at CharisChristianCenter.com, you can get all of our materials there on the website as you watch them, as you listen absolutely free of charge. And we’ve done that just to be a blessing to you. I hope you’ve enjoyed the message today, enjoyed the word of God and I believe that the word that has freed me will free you. Blessings.


  Thanks for watching “Grace For Today”. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer or have a question, please call us at 719-418-4000 or to partner online, go to CharisChristianCenter.com/give. You can write us at PO Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on “Grace For Today”.

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