Redemption Part 4 with Pastors Lawson and Aaron Perdue. In this episode of Grace For Today you’ll learn if forgiveness is just talking about something in the past, or is it talking about past, present, and future sins.

Redemption Package
Redemption Package includes two CD series from Pastor Lawson Perdue that will help you find the redeeming power of Christ. This bundle consists of the Redemption CD Series and the In Christ Realities CD Series.
Redemption Part 4 Transcription
Thanks friends for tuning into the broadcast. We are so glad to have you here today with us. We’re gonna be talking about the penalty for sin has been paid. Is forgiveness, just talking about something in the past, whereas forgiveness, talking about past, present, and future sins, we’re gonna answer that today in the broadcast. You want to stay tuned. This will help you receive from God. Blessings. Friends, we’re so glad that you’re with us today. We’re sharing on redemption. We’ve been teaching on redemption all this week. We’re gonna be talking about the price of redemption. Praise God, Jesus, blood paid the price for our redemption. All of the Bible talks about this, in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, in the epistles. Praise God. The cross of Jesus is really the center of all the scriptures. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The death and resurrection of Jesus changed everything. The book of Hebrews talks about the time of reformation, and we talk about the reformation in a Christian sense is when Martin Luther got the scriptures and said, “That just shall live by faith.” But the reformation in the scripture is really talking about when Jesus died in rose again, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus changed everything. Praise God. And so we began this series with this verse in Ephesians chapter one, verse seven, when it says, “In him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace.” And we said this word for redemption is the Greek word apolutrosis. And it means this freedom, liberty, deliverance, salvation, praise God. We said redemption is the result of the gospel. We said righteousness is the condition of the gospel. But when it talks about, “In him, we have redemption through his blood,” he says, “The forgiveness of sins included in redemption is forgiveness.” Now Andrew Womack asked me this question. We were talking about, “Are we already forgiven for our sins?” And he asked me this question, he said, “Is redemption past tense?” And if you read the scripture, it says, “In him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sin.” But if you read Galatians 3:13, it says, “Christ, had, past tense, redeemed us from the curse of the law.” So I said, “Yes, redemption is past tense.” Well, part of redemption is forgiveness. So in a sense of the word, we have already been forgiven for our sins. We were forgiven for our sins before they were ever committed. Now for us to receive that forgiveness, we have to ask, we have to believe for it. So it’s not just automatic. The will of God’s not just automatic, you have to believe for it. But when you begin to understand that, your sins are already forgiven, in some circles, I grew up in a holiness setting. People would almost beg for forgiveness. I don’t believe that. And I’ve seen people in some of these settings with this more legalistic mentality like begging God and they come crocodile tears at the altar and yet they don’t really walk in forgiveness. But when you understand that God wants to forgive you more than you want to be forgiven, God wants to heal you more than you want to be healed. God wants to prosper you more than you wanna prosper. And when you get your brain lined out and begin to think like the word of God says, you can begin to walk in the reality of redemption. So redemption is the result of the gospel. Righteousness is the condition of the gospel and our freedom, our forgiveness has already been paid for. And when you read that word, forgiveness, that word in the Greek is another word, aphesis. And it means to be pardoned as if your sin was never committed. Man, God is not up in heaven fretting about what you did last night, last year, 10 years ago, 20 years ago or even 50 years ago. Man, I’ve had some believers come to me and be threatened about what they did 50 years ago. I’ve told one of them, “Listen, that’s not who you are. That’s not how you lived. I don’t know, I don’t care. I don’t even wanna know.” Glory to God. Walk in the freedom that Jesus has for you. Walk in the light of redemption. E.W Kenyan wrote a book years ago called the Bible in Light of Redemption. What a marvelous truth that, praise God. And we need to live in the light of redemption. We need to live in the light of what Jesus has done. And so it says, “In him, we have redemption through his blood.” What paid the price for our redemption?
The blood of Jesus.
The blood of Jesus. And so we’re gonna talk a little bit about that. The power of the blood of Jesus. Thank God there’s power. We used to sing that song. There’s power, power, power in the blood. Not only the power in the blood, there’s life in the blood. So the penalty for sin has been paid. It’s already been paid. It doesn’t need to be paid again. Jesus paid for all of the sin of humanity at one time with one offering. And maybe today or tomorrow we’ll get in the scriptures that really talk about this. But the penalty for sin has been paid. You see, there was a penalty for sin in the Old Testament. In Ezekiel 18, verse 20, the scripture said, “The soul that sins it shall die.” Man, death was the penalty for sin. Romans 3:23 says, “Rhe wages,” or Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” You know what? We’ve all worked in something called sin and the wages are death, but the gift of God is eternal life. Thank God we got a gift. So the penalty for sin is death. Leviticus 17, verse 11 says this, “In the law, the life of the fleshes in the blood, and I’ve given it on the altar as an atonement for your soul, for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.” In the Old Testament, they would bring an animal to the priest for a sacrifice for their sins. And they would bring this, innocent animal. Many times it was a lamb, and it was a innocent, spotless, pure harmless lamb. And the priest would kill the lamb. And the priest did not inspect the one that brought the offering. The priest inspected the offering and Jesus is the lamb who died for the sin of the world. When John saw Jesus in John chapter one, verse 29, he said, “Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,” Jesus took the sin of the world. Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. That’s what the scripture says in Revelation chapter 13 in verse eight, God had a plan for our redemption before the world was ever formed. So it’s amazing, this plan of redemption. We’re gonna read a little bit about this in Romans chapter three here. And if you want to go to Romans chapter three, in Romans chapter one to set this up, Paul really says, “The gospel is the revelation of righteousness.” And he talks about how the Gentiles in Romans one need righteousness, that they’re caught up in philosophy, idolatry, lust, all kinds of ungodliness. But then he talks about in Romans two, how the Gentiles need righteousness and they’re caught up in legalism and performance. He says in Romans two, I think it’s about verse 23, but he says, “Though you make your boast in the law through breaking the law, you dishonor God.” It doesn’t matter how much you boast, you’re still a sinner. And then in Romans three he says, “All have sinned, there’s none righteous, not one.” Romans 3:10. But then later he goes on and explains in Romans chapter three, verse 23 to 26, in fact, let’s start reading it. Start reading in Romans chapter three, verse 20. And let’s read on down through verse 26 and we’ll begin talking about this payment that Jesus made. And the penalty for sin has already been paid. This payment that Jesus made on our behalf when he died on the cross.
See Romans 3:20, it says, “Therefore, by the deeds of the law, no flesh will be justified in his sight. For by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God, apart from the law is revealed being witnessed by the law and the prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe, for there is no difference for they of all sin and fallen short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by his blood through faith to demonstrate his righteousness. Because in his forbearance, God has passed over the sins that were previously committed to demonstrate at the present time his righteousness that he might be just, and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.”
Praise God, so we’re not justified by our performance, we’re not justified by our good works. He says by the laws, the knowledge of sin. A lot of people, I think in the Old Testament, they thought they’d be set free by keeping the law, but the more they tried, the more they failed. And Galatians three says, “The law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.” First Timothy, chapter one says, “The law was not made for a righteous man.” And so the law didn’t justify us. The law didn’t make us holy. The law didn’t make us righteous. The law just really showed us how much that we needed a savior, how much we were in sin. But then he says, “The righteousness of God, in verse 21, apart from the law is revealed, is manifested.” Jesus is the righteousness of God. And Jesus made righteousness available for every man when he died and rose again for every person, he says, “Being witnessed by the law and the prophets, the law pointed to Jesus,” right? The prophets pointed to, when Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration, right? Peter, James and John were there with him, and Moses was there, appeared there. And Elijah, Moses represented the law. The law pointed to Jesus, right? Elijah represented the prophets, right? The prophets prophesy of the grace that was to come in Jesus. That’s what Peter says. So, but Jesus was there. Peter said, “Lord, let’s build three tabernacles.” And God spoke from heaven said, “This is my beloved son in whom I’m well pleased.” In other words, it wasn’t about the law or the prophets, it’s about Jesus, the law pointed to Jesus, the prophets pointed to Jesus. Jesus is here. Jesus has completed this. Jesus has finished this. And so when we begin to understand this, he says, “This righteousness was witnessed by the law and the prophets.” It’s the righteousness of Jesus. He says, “Even the righteousness of God, which is by the faith of Jesus unto all, and upon all those that believe, for there’s no difference.” So when do we receive righteousness?
When we believe on Jesus.
When we believe on Jesus. So when you believe on Jesus, that’s the point of Jesus coming. So that we would believe. And he says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” So by the law was the knowledge of sinned. The law showed us our sin. Everyone sinned. There’s not anyone with the exception of Jesus who ever walked on this earth. Any human person who’s ever not sinned, but Jesus never sinned. So we’ve all sinned and we’ve fell short of God’s glory, to sin, in one sense of the word means to miss the mark, we’ve all missed the mark. We’ve all fell short. And another sense of the word it means to transgress God’s law, to overstep the law said thou shall not. And you did. Now, many people think they’ve kept the law, but Jesus told the rich young ruler that thought, he kept all the law, said, “Well, go sell all your goods and give to the poor.” Showing him he hadn’t even kept the first commandment, which says you’ll have no other gods before me. So we’ve all broken God’s law and he says, “Being justified.” Now, what’s it mean to be justified?
Just as if you’d never sinned.
Just as if you’d never sinned. just as if we’d never sin being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Jesus brought us into justification, freedom from our sins. One aspect of that word redemption, apolutrosis is ridden. We have been justified, we have been rid. We are just as if we’d never sin. Man, we dream about that. We think about that. But it’s reality. It’s a spiritual reality for everyone who believes in Jesus. And he says here, “Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation.” That word propitiation means a covering. Jesus is a covering. He has covered our sins through faith in his blood. Man, you put faith in Jesus, you’re putting faith in the work that he did. Sometimes in the circles that we run in, in the gray circles, people don’t like to preach about the blood, but the blood is really saying Jesus did it. And grace is saying Jesus did it. So I think preaching about the blood and preaching about Jesus is essentially preaching the same thing. And God sent Jesus as a covering through faith in his blood. When you put faith in Jesus, his blood has covered your sins, your sins are paid for. And he says, “To declare his righteousness,” man, God sent Jesus to declare his righteousness. He declared us righteous through the blood of Jesus and for the remission of sin that are. That word for remission again is that Greek word aphesis. And he is talking about forgiveness or remission. There’s no more remembrance. We don’t think about this aspect of forgiveness sometime, but with God, it means to pardon as if your sin was never committed. There’s no more remembrance of our sin because of the blood of Jesus. He says, some people struggle with sin and with the remembrance of it, but when God sees you, he sees you in Christ. He sees you through the blood. He is not remembering your sin. He’s not bringing up your past. That is the gospel. That is the good news. He says, “The remission of sins that are passed.” Now, this is what I think, and this is just my opinion, I may be wrong, but I think when he talks about past tense sin in Romans 3:25, Paul is talking about the past tense of the gospel. Because when Jesus died on the cross, all sin was paid for, past, present, and future. We asked this question about redemption. Is it past, present, or future? Well, it’s actually all three. But past, Christ, had, past tense redeemed us from the curse that Galatians three verse 13, so that’s past tense and included in redemption is forgiveness. So he says, through the forbearance of God, in other words, when it forbearance means God knew you would do it, but he held up under it anyway. He paid for it anyway. So he knew you’d be stupid, but he forgave you anyway. Hallelujah. Isn’t that good?
I’m glad that God’s grace is greater than our sin.
Paul talks about that in Romans five, but he says in verse 26, and we’re gonna finish this up before we go on break, but he says, “To declare, I say at this time his righteousness,” God has declared us righteous. That he might be just in the justifier of him who believe the only way that God could play fair and not play favorites is base everything on Jesus. And when you believe on Jesus, amen, you are made righteous.
You are declared righteous. So you can’t get any more righteous than you already are. Amen, your spirit is righteous and the blood is the payment, the blood of Jesus. We put faith in the work that he did. We’re gonna be back right after this break and we’ll continue to share how the blood of Jesus has freed us. It’s good news, blessings. Friends, I’m so glad you’ve been watching today. We’ve been teaching on the subject of redemption and who we are in Christ. This is some of my best teaching. In fact, I got a revelation of this over 40 years ago in Andrew Womack’s meetings when I was just a child and it revolutionized my life. And I believe if you get a revelation of who you are in Christ and what happened in the death, burial on resurrection of Jesus, it will literally transform your life. And so we have a lot of great teaching on redemption. What Jesus did for us in his death, burial and resurrection and who we are in Christ. I encourage you to get this teaching. I believe just like it transformed my life, it will transform your life. So get on the internet, give us a call. We’d love to hear from you. Thank you so much, and God bless you richly as you allow his word, first place. Friends, I’m glad you stayed with us. We’re gonna continue to teach on what Jesus has done for us. And Hebrews is a book talking about the new covenant. And in Hebrews, Paul talks about a number of things. He says in Hebrews seven, “We have a new priest,” Hebrews eight, “We have a new covenant,” Hebrews nine, “We have a new sanctuary, the body of Christ and a new sacrifice, the blood of Christ.” And Hebrews 10, he says, “We have a brand new life.” So right here in Hebrews chapter nine, I’m gonna have Aaron, I’m gonna have you read, and it’s talking about this sacrifice that was made for us of the blood of Jesus. Read Hebrew nine we’ll begin in verse six, and we’ll read through verse 12.
Alright, yeah. It says, “Now, when these things had been thus prepared, the priest always went into the first part of the tabernacle performing the services. But into the second part, the high priest went along once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance. The Holy Spirit indicating this, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest. While the first tabernacle was still standing, it was symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, which cannot make him who perform the service perfect in regard to the conscience. Concerned only with foods and drinks, various washings and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation. But Christ came as high priest of the good things to come with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this creation, not with the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood. He entered the most holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.”
Praise God. What a word that the blood of Jesus has obtained eternal redemption for us. We said that covers past, present, and future sins. And when you read this and read on down through Hebrew chapter nine, you find Jesus is not being offered again. Jesus is not going to the cross again. Jesus is not dying again. He died once. He shed his blood for all, that sacrifice has already been made. The price has already been paid. So he talks about the Old Testament tabernacle. And when they had this Old Testament tabernacle in verse six, the high priest or the priests went, always, the regular priests went into the outward, the holy place. Not the most holy place. So they went into that holy place, accomplishing the service of God, but into the second, into the most holy place, in the most holy place, right? They had the arc of God that represented the presence of God. And the high priest went there once a year and he went one time a year and it says accomplish, he says, “Not without blood.” So when the high priest went into the most holy place, once a year, he went and he took blood for his own sins and for the sin of the people. And he says, “For the heirs of the people he offered this,” he says, “The Holy Spirit was revealing or signifying it.” It was showing us something to come that we have in the new covenant. That the way of the whole of all was not made manifest. It wasn’t revealed while the first tabernacle was standing. So that wasn’t the way of the holy, was not made available until Jesus died and shed his blood. And when Jesus died and shed his blood, the veil, the temple was red, was ripped into from the top of the bottom, signifying that God did it and signifying a couple of things. Number one, that we could go into the presence of God with faith, right? And we could go into the presence of God, 365, 24/7, number one. But number two, saying that God wanted to come and live in us. The Holy Spirit came to live on the inside of us. So he says this, he says, “This was a figure, or this was symbolic.” This is Hebrews nine, verse nine. “For the time then present,” this was working for the present time for the Old Testament, “In which were offered gifts and sacrifices that could not make him perfect.” It could not make them complete. Now, when we teach, when we offer this package, we teach this other part that we are complete in Christ, our in Christ realities what we’re doing. And when you begin to understand that, the scripture says in Colossians two, verse 10, that we are complete in him, who is the head of all principality and authority. So, but in the Old Testament, they weren’t complete, they weren’t whole as pertaining to the conscious. So it is the blood of Jesus that’s watched us, that’s cleansed us, that sanctified us, that’s redeemed us. That’s it’s the blood of Jesus. He said, “These Old Testament sacrifices stood only in meat and drink different kinds of washings and cardinal or physical ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation.” We talked about this in the beginning of the program, that the reformation scripturally speaking is of when Jesus died and rose again, the reformation, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus changed everything. It changed the way that we worship. And so we’re not constantly offering these sacrifices and coming again day after day, year after year, these Jesus shed his blood one time for the sin of all humanity. And his blood overpaid the price, the penalty, overpaid the price for, so it’s the price has already been paid. Now he says in verse 11, “Christ being come as a high priest of good things to come.” We have good things coming in the new covenant. We have many blessings coming to us in the new covenant, we’ve talked about prior to this in the programs this week that we’re redeemed from every person. We’re blessed with every blessing through Jesus. And he says, “By a greater and more perfect tabernacle.” So we have a better tabernacle, a better sacrifice. The blood of Jesus, a better tabernacle. “The body of Jesus not made with hands to say this building neither by the blood of bulls and calves and coats, but by his own blood. He entered one time into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us.” The blood of Jesus paid the price once and for all, so that we can enter the presence of God. The requirement of the holiness of God has been satisfied by the blood of Jesus. And he says, “The blood of bulls and goats, these Old Testament sacrifices,” he said, and a heifer, “They sprinkled the unclean.” This is Hebrews 9:13, “Sanctified to the purify of the flesh.” Old Testament sacrifices dealt with the outward man. But he says this, “How much more shall the blood of Christ who threw the eternal spirit offered him self without spot to God? Purge your conscience.” Purge your consciousness from dead works from these old covenant actions, from our performance to make you servants of the living God to his performance. So we go from our performance to his performance. So it’s not our performance that pleases God. It’s the performance of Jesus and Jesus in his death and resurrection, satisfied God’s requirement for holiness. And now we approach God through Jesus and we receive the benefits based on Jesus, amen. We’re redeemed by the blood redemption. Amen, is the result of the gospel and righteousness is the condition of the gospel. And because we are righteous, we come to Jesus, without guilt, without fear, without condemnation. Friend, if you have never received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I invite you to call. I invite you to receive prayer. We have things that we want to get to you today, praise God. We want to to see you living in the fullness of what God has for you. If you need prayer for healing, prayer for salvation, prayer to receive the Holy Spirit, prayer to receive the promises of God, give us a call. And if you’d like to partner, we would love to hear from you. Thanks so much and blessings.
[Presenter] You have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. The power of sin is broken and you are no longer a sinner, but a saint. Get the redemption package, which includes redemption and in Christ realities on either CD or digital download for $37, when you call 719-418-4000 or visit
Praise the Lord friends, I want to invite you to church this coming Sunday morning, whether you’re in Colorado Springs or whether you’re wherever you are at, if you’re in Colorado Springs, you can see us Sunday morning at 8:30 or 10:30 AM live. But you can also watch us with our livestream congregation at 8:30 or 10:30 AM or you can go to our website and get it anytime at
[Presenter] Thanks for watching Grace for Today. This broadcast has been made possible by our faithful partners. If you would like to become a partner, need prayer or have a question, please call us at 713-418-4000 or to partner online, go to You can ride a set PO Box 63733, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80962. See you next time on Grace for Today.